Who Am I

 If you are reading this for the first time, you probably don't know who I am or why I'm trying to tell you how to do your job. So let me begin by introducing myself.

My name is Ronny Ruesch. I am 43 years old, have been married to a wonderful, supportive spouse for 22 years, and am the father of six strapping boys and two beautiful girls. It has always been my goal to have a strong, forever marriage and to raise my children to be functional, successful, and righteous contributors to the world around them. This is the work and passion of my life. 

I have devoted the last decade of my life to working in a residential treatment program for young men. There I had the blessing of playing at least a small role in helping hundreds of young men who had lost their way, and themselves, to find them again. I have immersed myself in the study of psychology and parenting and have witnessed the results of various parenting methods and techniques. I have also seen the results of overreaching government bodies' attempts to do the job of parents or tell the parents how to do their jobs. I have seen these same government bodies take what was previously a fruitful industry (residential treatment) and strip it of its ability to effect change in the lives of young people. The results have been disastrous. The backup plan is gone, parents. It's time to take back your job, the most important job, of raising your own children.

I am a work in progress. I have attained a great deal of knowledge in my life of study, but I realize that I have much to learn yet. And one thing that I have learned is that each child is unique and may require a unique approach to parenting. Even so, there are many principles that are eternally, and universally true. These are the things that I will attempt to outline in these pages.

The family is the most basic, and most important, unit of society. As we witness the decline of families all around us, the decline of civilization as a whole keeps step. If we wish to save civilization, we must save the family. This begins with parents. We have been given the task to rear the next generation to become their best selves. Yet we often permit the other responsibilities of society and our own worldly desires to supplant this greatest of all responsibilities. This is a call to arms--a reminder that the most important job we could ever do is within the walls of our own home.


  1. Well said! Good parenting is so needed at this time. We are training future generations of leaders in our society. That is something that affects us all. What a difference in a child's life when they have good parents to guide them in this great endeavor we call life.


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